Bicyclist’s Guide to Voting 2018

Election Season Is Upon Us

Here at Bike Miami Valley, we are encouraging our supporters to VOTE! In order for you to do that and become informed on the issues that matter locally, we’re distributing our 3rd Bicyclists Guide to Voting for our membership area in four counties: Montgomery, Miami, Greene, Clark. Four questions have been asked to all candidates regarding bicycling/walking issues. Read what each candidate said in response and learn more about how to vote on or before election day.


Our Regional Advocacy Committee worked hard to bring you this information about local and state candidates. If you support our efforts, go a step further and become a Bike Miami Valley member or renew your membership for 2019. Your donation contributes to efforts like the election guide and keeps our work free for the public. JOIN NOW!

Bike Miami Valley is not responsible for the responses of candidates and does not endorse candidates or parties. 

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