
Bike Share

Bike Shops

Wright Stop Bike Shop 12 S Main Street, Dayton, OH 45402 (937) 425-8436

Bike Rentals

Bike Co-op

Bicycle Museum

Bike Clubs

Local and Ohio Cycling Organizations and Resources

Local Resources

Ohio Resources

Regional Directory and Contacts

This Cycling Directory provides a review and assessment of existing bicycle facilities in the Miami Valley Region and the organizations that help make the facilities possible. The directory defines various bicycle infrastructure types, including on and off-street facilities.

A discussion of the existing bikeway system follows with a review of facilities in each of the four counties in the Region. The directory takes a look at other bicycle infrastructure components, including signage, end-of-trip facilities, and multi-modal connections, and then briefly summarizes existing programmatic efforts to encourage bicycling. Cycling Directory and Contacts

National and International Bike Advocacy

  • Bike Collective Network – Resources on starting and maintaining a community and/or recycled bike shop or program.
  • Complete Streets Coalition – Complete Streets are designed and operated to enable safe access for all users. Pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and bus riders of all ages and abilities are able to safely move along and across a complete street.
  • Critical Mass – Critical Mass is a monthly bicycle ride to celebrate cycling and to assert cyclists’ right to the road. Lists worldwide links.
  • Ghost Bike – A network that creates bicycle memorials.
  • International Mountain Biking Association – MTB and trail advocates/builders.
  • International Bicycle Fund – International NGO that hosts slew of bicycle related subjects from planning and education, to tourism and safety.
  • The League of American Bicyclists – National Advocacy Group Working for a Bicycle Friendly America.
  • National Center for Bicycling and Walking – Encourages and supports the efforts of individuals, organizations, and agencies working on bike/ped issues.
  • People for Bikes – Provides a unified voice for advocating for bicycling on a national level, a strategic center to ensure collaboration between each piece in the bicycling movement, and the ability to support local efforts through the financial, community and communication resources.
  • Time’s Up – NY based direct action environmental organization.
  • The Alliance for Biking and Walking – The national bicycle advocacy umbrella group.
  • Trips For Kids – Helps disadvantaged kids discover the joys of mountain biking.

National and International Resources

  • Adventure Cycling – Inspires people of all ages to travel and explore by bicycle.
  • Bicycling and the Law – A web site that offers bicycling accident advice for cyclists including those injured by motorists, unsafe conditions and defective cycling products.
  • BicycleSafe – How not to get hit by a car.
  • Bicyclinginfo The bicycle information center.
  • One stop shop for all bike blogs.
  • Bicycle Tutor Bike repair videos and website.
  • BikeForums – The National Bicycle Messageboard.
  • Bikely – Mapping site that helps cyclists share knowledge of good bicycle routes.
  • Community Bike Programs – Wikipedia entry on international community bike programs.
  • Drive Less, Live More – Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission site.
  • Icebike – A website dedicated to winter riding
  • International Federation of Bike Messenger Associations – Worldwide resources for Bike Messengers.
  • MTB Review – Guide to all things mountain biking.
  • Park Tools – One of the most comprehensive bicycle repair sites. Diagnose your problem by searching your bike by region or by looking at their bicycle repair map.
  • Road Bike Review – Cycling gear reviews, forums, classifieds.
  • Sheldon Brown – R.I.P. A veritable cornucopia of all things cycling – Tons of info on pretty much any question that you have regarding cylcing, mechanics, history, terminology, etc.

Blogs and Facebook Sites