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Designing Streets For People…A Crazy Idea

Designing Streets For People…A Crazy Idea

Recently, had two really, really good articles about designing streets for more than just car travel. And at Bike Miami Valley, this is something we think about…A LOT, so we’re sharing this info with you. The first article “Engineers Should Not Design Streets” has some great points about the difference between roads and streets andRead more about Designing Streets For People…A Crazy Idea[…]

This Weekend: Yellow Springs Street Fair Bike Valet Parking

This Weekend: Yellow Springs Street Fair Bike Valet Parking

Riding your bike to the Yellow Springs Street Fair, Saturday, June 11th? Well, no excuse not to go by bike with FREE Bike Valet Parking right off the trail! Bike parking areas at large festivals are essential to get more people riding. Our volunteers will park your bike & watch it while you enjoy the festivalRead more about This Weekend: Yellow Springs Street Fair Bike Valet Parking[…]