Visit our Facebook event for more details HERE.
Visit our Facebook event for more details HERE.
Nominate your favorite bicycling advocate or advocacy group! Do you know someone or a cycling advocacy group in your community who is committed to making every day “Bike to Work Day”? Does this person or group epitomize and actualize the health, environmental, social and economic benefits of bicycling? Do you know a cycling enthusiast orRead more about Advocacy Award![…]
MVRPC is seeking YOUR input as they update the regional bikeway plan, adopted in 2008. Please join the conversation and attend one of the workshops or fill out the online survey. Tuesday, February 10th, 6-8 PM Greene Co Parks & Trails, County Media Room 575 Ledbetter Rd, Xenia Ohio 45385 Wednesday, February 18th, 4-6 PMRead more about Help Update the Regional Bike Plan[…]
Monday November 17th 6:30pm Buckeye Lodge – Springfield, OH Ride your bike on over to the Buckeye Sports Lodge and join us for our quarterly Advocacy Social. We are excited to co-host this event with our first chapter, Bike Springfield. Just like each quarter we will be providing a recap from the past events, someRead more about Regional Advocacy Social[…]